Used to

Used to


We use noun/pronoun + ‚used to‘ to talk about past habits and past states of things


I used to live in Bristol but now I live in London.

You used to call me every weekend but not any more and I miss you.

He used to go school in Manchester but now he attends university in Leeds.

She used to go out with her friends every Friday night before she had children.

We used to meet every other Saturday (every 2 weeks) for a drink in our local pub but some people have moved out of town or got married and so on.

I remember that couple. They used to live in a house across the street but now they live in other part of town.

Negative sentences:

I didn’t use(d) to like Marmite when I was a little boy.

You didn’t use(d) to smoke when you were at university.

He didn’t use(d) to wear glasses but now he has to.

She didn’t use(d) to like watching football as far as I can remember.

We didn’t use(d) to go to work by public transport but the price of petrol is so high these days that we were forced to reconsider.

They didn’t use(d) to like classical music but now they even go to opera from time to time.


Did you use(d) to play football as a child? No, I didn’t.

Did he use(d) to like death metal music when he was a teenager. Yes, he did.

Did she use(d) to go out with him? (meaning: they were a couple)

Did we use(d) to visit our in-laws every Easter?

Did they use(d) to live next door to Paul?



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