A1 Basic knowledge test
Time limit: 60min
Complete sentences:
1) What is …… name? a) you b) your c) yours
2) How …… are you? a) old b) age c) years
3) Where ….. you come from? a) do b) does c) is
4) …… you married? a) is b) are c) do
5) ….. she got any children a) have b) has c) does
6) He ….. work in a bank. a) don’t b) doesn’t c) isn’t
Days of the week:
Sunday …………………. ………………… Wednesday ………………..
…………………….. ……………………….
1…….. 2………. 3……….4………. 5………… 6……… 7……….. 8………. 9………. 10……..
11…………. 12…………. 13………… 14………….. 15………… 16…………. 17………… 18……………. 19…………… 20……………. 21…………….. 30………….
Britain …………….. Czech Republic ……………… France ……………. Italy………………
Germany…………… Russia…………… Spain…………… Poland…………. Greece ………….
Complete job names:
an en_ _ n _ er a d_ c_ _ r a n_ _ _ e an ac_ _ _ _t _ _ t
a w_ _t _ _ _ s a t _ _ ch_ r an ac_ _r a dr_ _ _r
Complete with this, that, these, those
…….. keys over here are mine. ……… car outside is my father’s.
Who are ……. people over there? Whose is …… book I’m holding in my hand?
Choose the correct answer:
What’s the time, please?
a) It’s 3 o’clock. b) Sorry, I’m busy. c) Yes, I have.
Has he got a car?
a) He’s got a blue car. b) Yes, he does. c) Yes, he has.
Are they married?
a) Yes, they are. b) Yes, they do. c) They are married.
Where do you come from?
a) I’m from Birmingham b) I live abroad. c) Yes, I do.
Telling the time
Re-write the times:
3.15 ………………….. 6.25………………….. 13.10…………………… 21.35………………..
1pm…………………… 7.30………………….. 5.45……………………. 17.50………………..
Months of the year
Ja………….. Fe………….. M……… A…….. M…….. J……… J…………
Au………. Se……………. O……………… No……………… De……………….
Complete sentences:
1) What is …… name? a) you b) your c) yours
2) How …… are you? a) old b) age c) years
3) Where ….. you come from? a) do b) does c) is
4) …… you married? a) is b) are c) do
5) ….. she got any children a) have b) has c) does
6) He ….. work in a bank. a) don’t b) doesn’t c) isn’t
Days of the week:
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Friday Saturday
1one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten
11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen 20 twenty 21 twenty one 30 thirty
Britain British Czech Republic Czech France French Italy Italian
Germany German Russia Russian Spain Spanish Poland Polish Greece Greek
Complete job names:
an engineer a doctor a nurse an accountant
a waitress a teacher an actor a driver
Complete with this, that, these, those
These keys over here are mine. That car outside is my father’s.
Who are those people over there? Whose is this book I’m holding in my hand?
Choose the correct answer:
What’s the time, please?
a) It’s 3 o’clock. b) Sorry, I’m busy. c) Yes, I have.
Has he got a car?
a) He’s got a blue car. b) Yes, he does. c) Yes, he has.
Are they married?
a) Yes, they are. b) Yes, they do. c) They are married.
Where do you come from?
a) I’m from Birmingham b) I live abroad. c) Yes, I do.
Telling the time
Re-write the times:
3.15 quarter past three 6.25 twenty-five past six 13.10 ten past one 21.35 twenty-five to ten 1pm one o’clock 7.30 half past seven 5.45 quarter to six 17.50 ten to six
Months of the year
January February March April May June July
August September October November December
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