Numbers |
Say: |
Ordinal numbers |
Say: |
1 |
One |
1st |
First |
2 |
Two |
2nd |
Second |
3 |
Three |
3rd |
Third |
4 |
Four |
4th |
Fourth |
5 |
Five |
5th |
Fifth |
6 |
Six |
6th |
Sixth |
7 |
Seven |
7th |
Seventh |
8 |
Eight |
8th |
Eighth |
9 |
Nine |
9th |
Ninth |
10 |
Ten |
10th |
Tenth |
11 |
Eleven |
11th |
Eleventh |
12 |
Twelve |
12th |
Twelfth |
13 |
Thirteen |
13th |
Thirteenth |
14 |
Fourteen |
14th |
Fourteenth |
15 |
Fifteen |
15th |
Fifteenth |
16 |
Sixteen |
16th |
Sixteenth |
17 |
Seventeen |
17th |
Seventeenth |
18 |
Eighteen |
18th |
Eighteenth |
19 |
Nineteen |
19th |
Nineteenth |
20 |
Twenty |
20th |
Twentieth |
21 |
Twenty-one |
21st |
Twenty-first |
22 |
Twenty-two |
22nd |
Twenty-second |
23 |
Twenty-three |
23rd |
Twenty-third |
24 |
Twenty-four |
24th |
Twenty-fourth |
30 |
Thirty |
30th |
Thirtieth |
31 |
Thirty-one |
31st |
Thirty-first |
40 |
Forty |
40th |
Fortieth |
50 |
Fifty |
50th |
Fiftieth |
60 |
Sixty |
60th |
Sixtieth |
70 |
Seventy |
70th |
Seventieth |
80 |
Eighty |
80th |
Eightieth |
90 |
Ninety |
90th |
Ninetieth |
100 |
One hundred |
100th |
One hundredth |
101 |
One hundred and one |
101st |
One hundred and first |
102 |
One hundred and two |
102nd |
One hundred and second |
123 |
One hundred and twenty-three |
123rd |
One hundred and twenty-third |
200 |
Two hundred |
200th |
Two hundredth |
258 |
Two hundred and fifty-eight |
258th |
Two hundred and fifty- eighth |
1000 |
One thousand |
1234 |
One thousand two hundred and thirty-four |
2000 |
Two thousand |
1 000 000 |
One million |
1 234 567 |
One million two hundred and thirty-four thousand five hundred and sixty-seven |
1 000 000 000 |
One billion |
1 000 000 000 000 |
One trillion |
2 odpovědi na “Numbers”
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