Keep – phrasal verb

Keep – phrasal verb


Keep back – stay at a distance from

The onlookers kept back from the fire.

Keep back – make somebody to stay at a distance

The barriers and riot police kept protesters back from the politician.

Keep back – restrain a feeling/emotion

She couldn’t keep back the tears when she set her eyes on the cadaver.

Keep down – oppress

The people of Eastern Europe were kept down by communists for years.

Keep down – make something stay at a low level

We always try to keep the noise down when coming home after midnight.

Keep off – prevent from coming near

Visitors should keep off the grass.

Keep off – avoid something

I’m keeping off fatty food to lower my cholesterol level.

Keep off – avoid mentioning a subject

It is advisable to keep off politics in the pub.

Keep on – continue

Keep on until you come to the traffic lights.

Keep somebody on – continue to employ

He was kept on despite his errors.

Keep on about something – talk at length about a particular subject

She always keeps on about her new boyfriend.

Keep out – prevent from entering

Our gate is always locked to keep unwelcome visitors out.

Keep out of – avoid something

Try to keep out of trouble for a day, please.

Keep up – make stay at a high level

Distributors always try to keep the petrol price up as long as possible.

Keep up – continue at the same level

Keep up the good work.

Keep up – maintain something in a good condition (house,garden)

It’s very time-consuming to keep the garden up.

Keep up with – make the same rate of progress

I couldn’t keep up with the rest of the pack and fell behind.

Keep up with – continue to be in touch with

He doesn’t keep up with many college friends.

It’s difficult to keep up with all the news from around the world.

Keep away from – avoid going near

Keep away from the edge of the cliff when walking on the coast. It can be very treacherous.

