Should/shouldn’t, Can/Can’t, Have to/don’t have to
Complete the sentences with an appropriate form of the structures above:
I…………………… eat more fruit and vegetables. (recommended)
I………………………. take a regular exercise. (recommended)
You……………………….. stress too much. (not recommended)
People ………………………be rude to each other. (opinion)
My children …………………….eat a lot of sweets. (not allowed)
I …………………………………take a bus to work. (necessary)
I ……………………… park my car at a company car park. (allowed)
Drivers ……………………..drink and drive. (not allowed)
You ………………… smoke on a bus. (not allowed)
You …………………. wear a seat belt when driving. (obligation)
You………………….. use a mobile phone when driving. (not allowed)
I ………………………drive my son to work every day. (necessary)
He ……………….. go to work by public transport. (necessary)
I …………………..start work at 8am every day. (obligation)
We …………………… get up early at weekends. (not necessary)
You ……………. be 18 and over to be eligible to vote in general election. (obligation)
I ……………….. book my holiday in advance. (necessary)
We ………….. drink alcohol at work. (not allowed)
I ………………bring my packed lunch every day. (necessary)
I …………………….wear a suit every day. (not necessary)
I should eat more fruit and vegetables. (recommended)
I should take a regular exercise. (recommended)
You shouldn’t stress too much. (not recommended)
People shouldn’t be rude to each other. (opinion)
My children can’t eat a lot of sweets. (not allowed)
I have to take a bus to work. (necessary)
I can park my car at a company car park. (allowed)
Drivers can’t drink and drive. (not allowed)
You can’t smoke on a bus. (not allowed)
You have to wear a seat belt when driving. (obligation)
You can’t use a mobile phone when driving. (not allowed)
I have to drive my son to work every day. (necessary)
He has to go to work by public transport. (necessary)
I have to start work at 8am every day. (obligation)
We don’t have to get up early at weekends. (not necessary)
You have to be 18 and over to be eligible to vote in general election in the UK. (obligation)
I have to book my holiday in advance. (necessary)
We can’t drink alcohol at work. (not allowed)
I have to bring my packed lunch every day. (necessary)
I don’t have to wear a suit every day. (not necessary)
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